Mahle’s Mustang 5.0 Mod Motor Forged Pistons

We stopped by the Mahle booth at the 2010 SEMA tradeshow and talked with Director of Marketing, Trey McFarland about the latest and greatest products from the Mahle group.  McFarland showed us the new Mustang 5.0 mod motor forged piston just released by their company.

According to McFarland; “We are the only company to have a forged 2011 Mustang 5.0 mod motor piston on the market, and this has just been released.”  McFarland explained that these pistons carry the same high standards that everyone has come to expect from Mahle.  “These are hand deburred,  low expansion forged, performance coated pistons.”

If you are looking for these pistons in the Mahle catalog, you’re probably not going to find them because they are so new.  To find out where you can purchase these pistons, you can leave a message at their tech question area by clicking here: Mahle Tech Questions.  The part number for these pistons is M4V167630D03.

As with many of the forged pistons offered by Mahle, the performance coating on these pistons include a phosphate dry lubricant that is used to protect against ring micro-welding and pin galling during initial startup and break in. For additional performance and protection, Mahle applies their proprietary Grafal anti-friction coating to each piston skirt.

Features of Mahle’s 5.0 Mod Motor Pistons:

  • Forged from 4032 high silicone low expansion aluminum alloy for high strength and reduced piston to wall clearance.
  • Radioed valve pockets.
  • Forced pin oiling.
  • Precision pin fitting and easy to use race proven round wire locks included.
  • High quality steel wrist pin included.
  • Precision ring grooves.
  • 11.1:1 Compression Ratio

For more information on these pistons, visit Mahle at

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About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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