SEMA 2022: Eddie Motorsports Aims At The First-Generation Mustang

SEMA 2022: Eddie Motorsports Aims At The First-Generation Mustang

Known for its line of billet components for everything from classic muscle cars to modern-day hot rods, Eddie Motorsports is using SEMA to show off its latest line of prototype parts. In particular, parts for the first generation of Ford Mustang.

“Everything here are prototypes being shown for the very first time,” says Eddie Motorsports’ Gabriel Villapando. “For the outside, we’ve got LED taillight bezels, a new fuel panel, gas cap assembly, and exterior door handles. Complimenting the inside is our new gauge cluster with an LCD screen.” The LCD dash makes for a nice resto-mod upgrade with custom looks and bolt-on ease of installation.

Eddie Motorsports LCD Dash

Eddie Motorsports’ prototype dash incorporates an LCD screen in place of a traditional instrument cluster. This should offer custom looks and modern functionality with a simple bolt-on installation.

While the parts installed on the Mustang in their booth are all Fusioncoated red, the production units will be available in the company’s many finishes. Those include a raw machined and bright polished, gloss black or clear (matte) anodized finish, and gloss black, matte black, and bright clear Fusioncoat finishes.

Eddie Motorsports Fusioncoat

Here, you can see the prototype billet Mustang handles in Eddie Motorsports’ custom red Fusioncoat. They offer a variety of off-the-shelf finishes on their parts, but also have the ability to apply their proprietary Fusioncoat coatings to their parts in a wide array of colors.

The Eddie Motorsports’ Fusioncoat process is developed and applied in-house, so it’s a safe bet that you can have the parts finished in whatever color your heart desires. So whether you want an understated modern upgrade or something finished in a color designed to break necks, Eddie Motorsports has you covered.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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