Ditch Your Old V-Belt For A Serpentine-Belt System

We wanted to take the opportunity to share the unique features of our pulley systems. — Kevin Redd, Concept One

The traditional V-belt commonly found on our hot rods since basically the creation of the automobile are slowly becoming a thing of the past. For years however, converting your classic to a serpentine belt was not always easy. Now, thanks to Concept One, losing your old V-belt system is a snap.

Concept One offers dozens of options and a wide range of applications, so the company undoubtedly has a serpentine setup to meet your needs and Kevin details many of those features in the video above.

Concept One kits come in three color options — anodized clear, anodized black, and polished — ensuring you get just the right look for your hot rod’s engine bay!

“With multiple options available to customers for their pulley system needs, we wanted to take the opportunity to share the unique features of our pulley systems,” said Kevin Redd, Concept One co-owner. “Quality is our number one priority from design and production to customer and technical service. We want our customers to know how we build our pulley systems and why we stand behind them.”

The company offers complete kits for all our beloved Fords (as well as wide variety of Chevy systems) including the traditional big- and small-blocks, including Clevelands and FEs. Each kit is custom made to order and takes about two weeks to get to your door. Check them out for yourself right here and take your vintage Ford’s belt system to the next level.

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About the author

Jeff Southard

Growing up with a dad who loved Corvettes, I was destined to be a gearhead from day one. Beyond that, my dad owned an auto parts business for over 25 years. There, I learned the automotive basics as a child, then began my professional career working there after high school. From Corvettes and Superbirds to Hemis and Cobra Jets, my dad has owned a little of everything over the years, so I've had my chance to get some quality seat time behind the wheel of some rare, unique, and sometimes, just odd automobiles. I have owned my share of toys, including over 20 Mustangs. I guess to make a long story short, if you look up "car crazy" you will probably find my photo listed pretty close to it!
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