Quick Hit: ARP’s Pro Series LS Head Stud Kits Beef Up Your V8

Much that has been said about the LS line of V8s has been said already, and we know them as reliable, robust, and ready for upgrades. These eight-cylinder beasts have become the preeminent weapon of choice for many engine swaps around the globe. From drag cars to street machines to sand rails, where there’s an interest in power for an affordable price, you can bet on it being an LS.

Naturally, the aftermarket has bolstered the LS over the years, and one of the latest products to hit the scene is our focus today: head stud kits from ARP. We spoke with ARP’s Chris Raschke to learn more about the kits and what they mean for gearheads.

ARP’s Pro Series head stud kit is key to keeping a high-performance LS engine stable.

“When you pull the heads off of any LS motor, you’re going to find torque-to-yield fasteners,” said Raschke. “These are one-time-use and once they’re installed, they’re done for. Ours, however, are strong enough that they can be reused, giving them a much longer lifespan.”

The key to the reusability is the material found in the head studs, which is made up of ARP 2000, a proprietary form of chromoly. “These head studs have a tensile strength of 220,000 psi,” said Raschke. “They’re perfect for anyone that’s building a high-performance LS and wants improved clamp load.”

ARP's LS head stud kits work on all versions of the LS V8, no matter what they're mounted to.

If you or a friend are tinkering on an LS and need extra peace of mind, you would be hard-pressed to find a better solution than the head stud kit from ARP. For more information, we recommend you check out ARP’s website and Facebook page.

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About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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