SEMA 2014: Custom Autosound Provides Modern Tunes With Stealth Looks

CustomAutoSoundSEMA03For many classic car enthusiasts, the stock appearing interior, gauges and radio are the look that they want to keep. That leaves many car owners with few options when it comes to audio solutions in classic musclecars; it often requires mounting a modern stereo in a separate location, or cutting up the metal dash to eliminate the small opening and the two holes for the factory radio knobs.

Let’s face it, the factory radios look kind of cool in these classics, but the sound that emanates from a 40+ year old AM/FM radio just doesn’t cut it. Even those who don’t mind updating their interior still have a hard time with cutting up the dash panel for a modern stereo. What do you do in this situation? Call on a company like Custom Autosound, and your worries are over.


It looks like a factory radio, but sliding the bar under the dial display reveals the digital display behind it for a very stealthy look.

Custom Autosound has been in the market of providing custom audio solutions for factory dashes since 1976 when company founder, Carl Sprague, tried to install a cassette player in a 1963 Corvette dash. Since 1977, the business has grown to include cars from the classic and musclecar era with custom stereos that look correct, but have very stealthy internals.

CustomAutoSoundSEMA14New for this year, the award-winning Slide Bar Radio has a very unique approach to these stealthy stereos: the faceplate looks like a classic AM radio, but sliding the bar under the display will reveal the digital display behind it with seven different colors that can be selected.

The stereos have all of the modern electronics to run Bluetooth adapters, iPods, and a USB connection. Behind the unit are low-level RCA outputs for running external amplifiers, or the built-in amplifier can power two or four speakers providing up to 300 watts of power, depending on the model and application.

CustomAutoSoundSEMA15Ryan McDonald from Custom Autosound said, “We still have holdouts for cassettes, and for those people we can still provide a modern stereo with a cassette player for their classic car.” For those who are into CDs, a CD changer can also be connected to these stereos.

Custom Autosound has over 400 applications, and each stereo is made to order, with pricing between $230.00 for the base model up to $630.00 for the upper end models. For custom applications, they can also build to suit your needs.

To find out what they can do to update your cruisin’ tunes, get in touch with them through their website to find a dealer for their products, and get exactly what you need for audio desires without giving up the classic looks of your dashboard.

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About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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