Video: First Corvette At Four Years Old?

Corvette C7 electric Jake future rodderA many an older rodder has cried and complained that not enough youngin’s are into hot rodding these days. Well you can stop complaining, because the kids are getting into hot rodding younger than ever. While covering the 2015 Texas Invitational Automotive Airfield Exhibition, 1320 Video ran into a four year old with his own Corvette C7. You read that correctly, Jake has his first Corvette C7 at only four years old and its been hot rodded too. Underneath the hood is not one but two 12 volt batteries that have been wired together to use all 24 volts (They usually come stock with a single 12 or a 6 volt version). In the rear of the Corvette all of the plastic parts were stripped out in favor of a 775 electric motor which was installed for more torque. Dual nitrous tanks sit on the rear which Jake with a smile a mile wide was happy to brag about.

Jake Hits the Strip

Where was this car when we were four years old?

In an event filled with vintage Ferrari’s, supercharged C6’s, Dodge Vipers and other fast rides we can certainly say Jake’s 24V monster machine stole the show. He even had the chance to take it out on the course. As he launched all that power caused him to spin his rear tires before he managed to gain traction and took it for a wild ride. Afterwords in true rodder fashion, he even wowed the crowd with a few donuts. Jake says when he is older he would like a green full scale Corvette C7.

Hot Rod Prodigy

At four years old Jake is already on his way to becoming a racing prodigy. With his stellar driving skills lightning fast reflexes and go fast attitude we think its safe to say, expect to see Jake tearing up the NASCAR Circuit, NHRA or the road course in a few years. We apologize for the clickbait title but Jake’s Corvette was too cool not to share.

Jake having the time of his life.

Jake having the time of his life.

About the author

Josh Courter

Josh Courter is a Power Automedia freelancer with a serious passion for anything custom. Rods, classics, sleds, and even motorcycles provide inspiration for Josh along with his passion for automotive history.
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