Modernizing A 1967 Mustang With Digital HDX Gauges

Dakota Digital is at the forefront of aftermarket instrument technology. The company creates beautiful, functional gauges that do wonders for updating the interior classic cars. Offering direct-fit systems for all of the more popular classic cars, DD also offers custom services for cars when direct-fit solutions are not available.

These are just three of many possible combinations to choose from with the VHX series from Dakota Digital.

The company’s newest offering is the HDX series, which gives the user a new level of customizability. The DHX series takes the most popular aspects of the VHX series, like the LED backlighting, illuminated needles, and lifetime warranty, and also adds the ability for a user to completely control the displayed color.

The dash unit can be customized using capacitive touch buttons built into each display, or directly from your smartphone using a Bluetooth connection and available app. The app is also useful for calibration, setup, system diagnostics, and also provides real-time gauge readouts.

This is the stellar 1967 Mustang these gauges are features in.

The video above demonstrates the instruments set up in a 1967 Mustang and shows how all of these features come together. The video shows how quickly and easily you can customize the instruments and change colors from your phone, it’s also a great example of just how many colors are available. It’s so easy to change the colors, you could change it every time you drive your car.

App control is fast, easy, and an awesome feature that Dakota Digital put into this system.

In the end of the video you get to see a taste of how the iPhone application functions when changing instrument color. You are given a huge list of combinations and all you do is scroll up or down and select the one you want.

About the author

Kyler Lacey

A 2015 Graduate from Whitworth University, Kyler has always loved cars. He grew up with his dad's '67 Camaro in the garage and started turning wrenches at a young age. At seventeen, he bought his first classic, a '57 Chevy Bel Air four-door, and has since added a '66 Plymouth Valiant and '97 Cadillac Deville to his collection. When he isn't writing for Power Automedia, he's out shooting pictures at car shows, hiking in the forests of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, or working on something in the garage.
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