Hump Day Holeshot: Dragstrip Accident Claims T-Type, Injures Driver

There’s no denying the fact that drag racing is a dangerous sport. Since its inception in the 1920s, enthusiasts have been going out of their way to make their cars faster than the next guy. As time went on and technology improved, cars are now quicker than ever, and more dangerous as a result.

A couple of weeks ago, Scott Atkins, a well-known participant in the turbo Buick community, was involved in a horrific accident with his highly modified ’87 Regal Turbo-T at Speedworld Dragstrip in Wittman, Arizona.

Atkins’ Buick, a potential 8-second monster, got away from Scott just before the quarter-mile marker but not before he clocked a 9.70 at 119mph while going sideways.

Scott then got the Buick under control, but in a weird twist of fate, the car went wild again, and leapt over the left barrier wall and rolled a total of seven times!

Once paramedics, friends, a few fans in the grandstands, and even the guy racing against Scott in another turbo Buick came to his aid, they found Atkins with many cuts, bruises, and even broken bones.

Unfortunately, Scott’s helmet flew off sometime during the car’s self-destruction, and although a customary roll bar was welded into place, the Regal was not equipped with a NHRA-certified roll cage, which it probably should have had, given the extreme performance capabilities that the T was obviously very capable of.

Paramedics promptly flew Atkins to a hospital in Phoenix where he was treated for his apparent injuries, along with a concussion, broken ribs, and a severe neck injury. The car, however, is a total loss. We’re just happy that Scott survived, and everyone here at the Power TV family wishes him a speedy recovery. If you want to make a donation to Scott and his family, you can do so by visiting a link here, courtesy of the good folks over at


About the author

Rick Seitz

Being into cars at a very early age, Rick has always preferred GM performance cars, and today's LS series engines just sealed the deal. When he's not busy running errands around town in his CTS-V, you can find him in the garage wrenching on his WS6 Trans Am, or at the local cruise spots in his Grand National.
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