Video: TCI Sponsors Burnout Contest at Summer Nats 2012

Burnouts are an enigma. If you’re in traffic and some clown does a burnout at the stop light and peels out, most people, including gearheads, comment, “what a jerk”. At a shopping center? “Where’s a cop when you need one”, is the typical response. At a high school parking lot, well, that’s different because you have to consider the source, and the audience.

But put a couple of blocks out, stage an area, get a water hose ready, a couple fire extinguishers for good measure, and you have the crowd on their feet.  Why, you ask? Because they’re anxious for the smokey burnout contest that typically has someone shredding their tires, and unfortunately a quarter panel or two.

This year at the Car Craft Summer Nationals, TCI Automotive sponsored the Burnout contest and it was nothing if it wasn’t spectacular! The announcement at the beginning was “They’re gonna give it everything they have”, and that wasn’t just banter. These contestants, some who had very nice cars with great paint, put the go stick on the floor and might as well have broken it off because they weren’t letting up until something broke or gave out.

“Extra credit if something flies off the car”, was the next announcement, and with that kind of challenge there were lots of takers who aimed to please the crowd, get that applause and get the parts flying. We saw Firebirds, we saw Novas, we saw pickups, Chevys, Buicks, and Fords. There was a convertible van releasing balloons with the smoke, a rat rod or two, and we even saw the Mystery Machine take second place for meeting the extra credit assignment.

First place, however, deservedly went to the 70 Nova that flung parts all over the place. The top three received gift certificates from TCI, and a great time was had by all. We’re not sure if Scooby or the gang was present, but you gotta love a Mystery Machine burning the tires off the rims.

Your first place winner, throwing parts and shredding a quarter panel.

About the author

Michael Harding

Michael is a Power Automedia contributor and automotive enthusiast who doesn’t discriminate. Although Mopar is in his blood, he loves any car that looks great and drives even faster.
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