Father/Daughter Team Take First COMP Cams Engine Builder Duel Of 2015

Practice paid off for Grant and Shelby Rimback of Rockford, Tennessee, as they took home the win in the COMP Cams Engine Builder Duel contested at the Memphis stop of this year’s Hot Rod Power Tour.

Each summer at automotive events around the nation, the Engine Builder Duel pits two-person teams head to head in a race to assemble and fire a Small Block Chevy engine in the shortest amount of time. With $250 COMP Cams product certificates on the line for each of the winners, Grant and 17-year-old Shelby practiced building engines for a week before the big day on June 9. The father/daughter duo went up against a pair of Texans consisting of model and car enthusiast Emily Williams Reeves, and her husband, Aaron, a diesel mechanic by trade. Grant and Shelby turned in a time of 34 minutes and 31 seconds to outpace Emily and Aaron, who fired their engine in 47 minutes and 47 seconds. For their efforts the runners-up each received $125 COMP certificates.

COMP Cams Engine Builder Duels will take place three more times in 2015. Contests are scheduled for the Street Machine Nationals events in Du Quoin, Illinois; St. Paul, Minnesota; and Springfield, Missouri; taking place in June, July and September, respectively. To register for any event, email [email protected]. For more information, visit www.enginebuilderduel.com.

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