’56 Oldsmobile Rocket Concept Car Was Ahead of Its Time

We don’t know if you know this or not but General Motors back in the ’50s, was known for coming up with more prototype and concept cars than probably any other car company. Pretty much everything that came from the drawing boards looked as if it should have had wings instead of wheels. Their futuristic designs put them on the map, and they were not afraid to think outside the box. We found this awesome review of the legendary Oldsmobile concept over at Jalopy Journal.

For General Motors this just wasn’t done during the 1950s, it seems that General Motors basically let all their designers run wild with ideas right up until the 80s when the government stepped in and enforced heavy regulations, hindering designs.

We wanted to bring you this 1956 Olds concept car, She was called the Golden Rocket! It was first shown to the public in 1956 GM’s Motorama, along with all of the other concept cars they built for each brand, they even built a Cadillac concept vehicle. The body of the new Rocket was made of fiberglass just like Corvette.

With this pontoon shaped vendors it looks more like a spaceship than an automobile. The interior features swivel bucket seats and a long streamlined center console and futuristic looking seatbelts. Cars like these certainly would fit in today at many of the car shows we see today like the SEMA Show in the Los Angeles Roadster Show.

Check out its dome style roof in which the panels actually raised up automatically from either side when you opened the door to get out. It gives new meaning to Lamborghini style doors and settles the bet on who came up with the idea first.

We find it so amazing that the designers of these concept cars actually got to see their ideas come to life, at least as a prototype… Nowadays it seems that most of the really cool ideas get shot down before they become a reality.

By: Scott Barlick

Thanks to: www.rodauthority.com

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