PRI 2024: OBR Has the Answer to Godzilla, Gen 4 Coyote and LT1 EFI

Hot rodders will always want the latest technology in pursuit of building the ultimate car or truck, but when it comes to the Godzilla ECU as well as Gen-4 Coyote (even the Gen-3 Coyote to some extent) and GM’s Gen-V LT engines,  few solutions exist when it comes to engine control outside of what the OEM offers. Even when OEM solutions are available for these platforms, they aren’t always capable of being re-calibrated, which makes modifying them nearly impossible. Thankfully OBR Control Systems offers a number of solutions.

In fact, while the Godzilla was still in its infancy, Ford turned to OBR for an ECU to use on the engine dyno. They have continued to lead the way while many popular aftermarket EFI systems provided less than complete control of the engine, which in some cases led to engine failures with pioneering swappers. Now OBR offers a complete plug-n-play harness and even calibration support for the Godzilla. Kits and parts are available to outfit you with literally everything you need to get the Godzilla up and running. Each Godzilla ECU kit comes with the E8G ECU, which is designed and built in Italy, originally as an OEM system for a “well-known sportscar manufacturer.” The ECU has been updated for on-board data recording and offers full sequential control mode for a Godzilla engine (with up to 16 injectors).

Although OBR’s bread and butter are restomods, plenty of other features in the Godzilla ECU are included for drag racers, such as target boost pressure, actual throttle position, spark advance offset, a two-step engine RPM limiter, transbrake, and nitrous control. Manual transmission input allows for tuning strategies by gear. Automatics will need a separate controller, which connects to the harness with a power and ground, engine RPM and load, and CAN data export.

Godzilla ECU kits are compatible with the early, as well as the later version of the Godzilla and can even handle flex-fuel control. Naturally aspirated and boost-specific kits get customers exactly what they need for their setup. OBR even includes a power supply harness with relays for the ECU, fuel pump, and a spare for electric fans or whatever you please. CAN output connects to your instrument cluster to import data.

The latest additions to the line-up are direct injection support for the Coyote Gen-3 and Gen-4 as well as GM’s Gen-V LT series of engines. OBR can even control the dual throttle body setup of the Gen-4 Coyote, which means if you want dual throttle bodies and the ability to tune — OBR is the only game in town for the moment.

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About the author

Scott Parker

Scott dreamed of being in the automotive media in high school, growing up around car shows and just down the street from Atco Raceway. The technology, performance capability, and craftsmanship that goes into builds fuels his passion.
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