PRI 2016: Turn One Steering Systems Elevates Performance


As we approached the Turn One booth at PRI 2016, we quickly reflected on what they do-steering; which in racing, is pretty dang important. Although you might think that a pump is just a pump, it’s not that simple. A lot goes into design, setup, and feel for drivers as Lisa Roethlisberger explained to me while looking over some of the pumps they had on display.


Turn one does mostly circle track vehicles, but they also do a lot of other motorsports including drifting, corvette racing, and auto restorations where customers want a factory looking pump that performs like new.


Since everything Turn One offers is made and developed in house, they have a very good understanding of how to get drivers exactly what they want when it comes to steering and steering feel. “It’s not just a one stop shop place-these aren’t things we just grab off the shelf; we build them as needed” Roethlisberger told us. When we asked about how they setup new drivers or vehicles, Turn One was very familiar with what to do. “For new drivers, they’re not really sure where they’re at so we we start them at a spot that most people start [regarding steering feel]. Then ask, okay-you tell us, is it too heavy, too hard, too light? There’s just so many different things we ask the customer. Based on their feedback, then because of our knowledge and experience we’re able to give them what they want.”


With all made in USA parts, custom fittings for adjusting steering feel and ratios that you can’t get anywhere else, Turn One remains at the top of the game. To finish things off, Lisa let me know that a lot of guys and gals are running factory hem pumps which tend to overheat. “In 20 years, we’ve never had a pump that we modified overheat.”

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About the author

Charles Pages

With an ever growing passion for cars, trucks and things that go fast, Charles is always seeking new information and ways to increase vehicle performance and handling. With experience among diverse vehicles, Charles gives an enthusiastic "YES" to anything performance.
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