PRI 2023: Raybestos Offers New Clutch Pack For 10-Speed Transmission

The 10-speed transmissions that Ford and GM put in their vehicles make it possible to cruise comfortably down the freeway in a modern muscle car. Raybestos Powertrain’s new E Clutch GPZ Torqkit Clutch Pack allows the 10R80, 10R100, 10L80, and 10L90 transmissions to accept more horsepower and be more reliable in high-performance applications.

Raybestos took a look at why the OEM E clutch parts in the 10-speed transmission would fail as a starting point for its E Clutch GPZ Torqkit Clutch Pack. The new clutch pack from Raybestos has a larger clutch count that features six high-performance GPZ frictions, seven high-quality steels that use a full 15-tooth count design, and .101 selective steel that adjusts clutch clearance. These E clutch packs are a drop-in solution for the 10R80, 10R100, 10L80, and 10L90 transmissions.

Joe Villain from Raybestos Powertrain explains how the new E Clutch GPZ Torqkit Clutch Pack was developed.

“We wanted to create a clutch pack that addressed the failures we had seen of the OE parts in high-performance applications. Our aftermarket engineers worked with our OE engineers to develop a clutch pack that would address the failures of the E clutch packs in these transmissions. We were able to add additional high-performance GPZ frictions and better steels to the clutch pack to improve performance based on what they learned.”

The new Raybestos E Clutch GPZ Torqkit Clutch Pack has increased torque capacity thanks to the additional frictions and steels that were added. This clutch pack is a true drop-in replacement according to Villain, which means there’s no extra transmission machine work required. You can learn more about the E Clutch GPZ Torqkit Clutch Pack right here on the Raybestos Powertrain website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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