PRI 2024: New Damper For Camaro And Mustang And Install Tool

Well-known harmonic damper manufacturer, Fluidampr, has released some new additions to its lineup at the last PRI 2024 event.

These products address some of the most popular vehicle platforms (Camaro and Mustang) and come in versions that can be used with either naturally aspirated or forced induction engines. New installation tools have also been added to the mix.

Fluidampr New Damper

One major development is the creation of a new damper designed for the 2016-23 Chevrolet Camaro’s LT1. Currently confirmed to fit models through 2023, Fluidampr is working to confirm compatibility with the 2024 model year as well. The new product complements Fluidampr’s existing parts for the supercharged Camaro’s LT4 engine.

In addition to these Camaro LT1 upgrades, Fluidampr has developed a new damper for Camaro’s supercharged LSA engine. This will be available soon, with the expected release date around May 2025. This further expands Fluidampr’s support for high-performance, late-model vehicles.

Fluidampr New Damper

The company continues to support the Ford Mustang platform with its Coyote damper too.

“This fits all generations from 2011 to the current 5.0 Coyote,” confirmed a representative from Fluidampr. “And it works with supercharged applications. You can run it without the belt. So, if for some reason you want to run it that way, you’re more than welcome to do so.”

Fluidampr New Damper

Fluidampr has also brought out two new tools. The first one is a damper-holding tool. As Fluidampr explains, “This will just thread into your 3.2-inch bolt circle. You can put a half-inch breaker bar or ratchet and — wrench in there. That’ll hold the damper in place.”

This provides a safe point for securing the damper in place while the crank bolt is being tightened.

Fluidampr’s new LS Drill Pin Kit is also available. Regarding this kit, the representative from Fluidampr noted, “That is new for this year. While not officially released yet, it is available now. It will be officially released in 2025.”

Fluidampr’s Duramax crank pin kit is also now available. These will be extremely useful for any technician and DIYer working on those particular engines.

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