PRI 2024: Jesel Valvetrain No-Machining LS And LT Belt Drive

When it comes to valvetrain innovation, Jesel consistently leads the pack. Their latest offering, the all-new Jesel LS and LT Belt Drive, is set to debut in 2025, and it’s everything performance builders have been waiting for. These belt drives simplify installation, boost reliability, and deliver the precision you expect from a brand that’s been at the forefront of camshaft technology for decades.

What makes these belt drives revolutionary is their ability to fit without block machining — a first for Jesel’s LS and LT belt drive kits. Builders no longer need to modify engine blocks to enjoy the benefits of Jesel’s industry-leading technology. Paired with an external oil pump, these belt drives are ready to meet the demands of high-performance applications while making the installation process easier than ever.

At the core of the system is Jesel’s patented High Torq Drive reinforced belt, which has been engineered to outperform conventional timing chains and gear drives. Running dry between a heat-treated steel crank pulley and a hard-coated billet aluminum camshaft pulley, this design dampens crankshaft harmonics and stabilizes the valvetrain, even under extreme conditions. The result is smoother operation, less friction, and enhanced durability — qualities that make a difference in every performance build.

Adjustability is key for racers and tuners, and Jesel delivers. The system features an infinitely adjustable upper pulley, allowing for cam timing adjustments of up to 10 degrees advance or retard with minimal effort. You can fine-tune performance without tearing down the engine, saving valuable time and effort.

Jesel’s commitment to reliability shines through in the details. The system is equipped with Teflon-coated high-vacuum seals, designed to maintain crucial crankcase vacuum levels in high-performance engines. Paired with premium-grade 8 hardware featuring Allen and Torx head designs, these belt drives ensure a rock-solid assembly that can withstand intense use.

Since 1982, Jesel has set the standard for camshaft belt drives, and their new LS/LT kits continue that legacy. Built for precision, durability, and ease of use, these belt drives are the perfect blend of innovation and practicality. For builders looking to take their LS and LT engines to the next level, the 2025 Jesel LS and LT Belt Drive is the answer. With unmatched performance and effortless installation, this system proves that Jesel remains the gold standard in valvetrain technology.

LS/LT Camshaft Belt Drives

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