SEMA 2024: Redline Caliper Kits For 2016-2024 Camaro

redline caliper kit from SSBC

The SEMA Show is always a great place to see some of the newest products brought to market. It is also a great way for manufacturers to show some of their upcoming products to a thirsty market. SSBC-USA, a U.S.-based performance brake systems and components manufacturer, has announced the launch of its Redline Caliper Kits for the 2016-2024 Camaro beginning in 2025. These new brakes help in improving braking performance and are compatible as a direct replacement without having to overhaul your entire brake system!

The caliper kits have the added feature of working with stock-sized rotors, hoses, and wheels, which ultimately make it easier to install as well as a less expensive option. This brake upgrade will bolt directly to stock knuckles, so Camaro owners have the additional value of not needing a list of additional parts or requiring the increased cost of an entire set of larger wheels and tires.

Redline Caliper Kit from SSBC

If you want the extra braking power without the hassle or expense of one of those full brake kits, these SSBC-USA Redline Caliper Kits offer a well-rounded solution so you get reliable and economical braking performance on the road.

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