SEMA 2013: ISIS Drops All-In-One Electrical Management System

IMG_1940InTouch Net by ISIS was perhaps one of the most interesting products that we came across at this year’s SEMA. It’s a pretty complex looking set of modules but the function and application of this electrical management system is truly a breeze. Read further to learn more about the next generation of consolidated control systems.IMG_1951

Here are a couple points that we had clarified when we spoke with the tech reps at the ISIS booth. Once InTouch Net is hooked up you can control any electrical function of your car from the blinkers, windows, or high beams by simply using any Wi-Fi enabled device be it an iPhone, Blackberry, or tablet. All a user has to do is load the ISIS website where they will find the full control system. Multiple people can log on to the designated wifi and control InTouch Net. While you’re driving and activating the blinkers your passenger can roll down the windows and scan the radio.

IMG_1936Here are a couple of benefits to using this management system:

  • It saves time and money by limiting parts and labor associated with installation of traditional wiring methods.
  • It increases reliability by replacing complex wiring layouts with one that reduces the number of electromechanical components thus reducing vulnerable connections.
  • It reduces vehicle weight by eliminating up to half of the wires required of a traditional harness.
  • It reduces installation time by eliminating long and complex cable runs.

With InTouch Net you can manage several electrical functions with practically any device. This allows for a streamlined automotive experience while cutting down on the clutter of traditional wiring. This is definitely a piece of technology to check out for those who appreciate the convenience factor that modern breakthrough’s provide as well as the aesthetic of the classic car. With ISIS it’s possible to achieve both! Check out their website for further reading and to get more educated on the product.IMG_1957

About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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