SEMA 2015: Lithium Pros’ New Power Pro Battery

It’s no secret that conventional lead-acid batteries are becoming a thing of the past. The problems of weight, sulfation, and limited power outputs create a situation where this technology is living on borrowed time.

The technology behind the development of lithium batteries for automotive use has been growing by leaps and bounds for the past decade. As uses for both hybrid and conventional internal combustion applications grow, so does the demand and natural development of this industry.

The folks at Lithium Pros know batteries, they took the time to explain the features behind the latest battery that puts the old, conventional units to shame.

IMG_3565“The Power Pro series fills a void we had in the product offering. The Power Pro is all about wide temperature range and high power output. This particular battery can work down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit,” says Lithium Pros’ Kevin Bennet.

We asked how the Power Pro lithium battery fairs in terms of durability in a high vibration application. “I think it works awesome, and I think we’ll be working with some of these teams in off-road,” says Bennet.

IMG_3564The weight benefits alone might be enough to sway one into the lithium battery market. The Power Pro weighs in at 18 pounds, compared to the 42 pounds of a traditional lead-acid battery. Also, the concerns of ruining a battery by allowing it to fully discharge disappear.

“You can take this to zero … no problem at all, and you can charge it in 20 minutes if you have a big enough charger,” he says.

The lithium battery has come a long way over the last decade, and is finding use in a wide variety of applications apart from automobiles. We look forward to seeing the potential for weight savings, power output, and longevity of the products from Lithium Pros. For more information, contact the company using the resources below.


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About the author

Trevor Anderson

Trevor Anderson comes from an eclectic background of technical and creative disciplines. His first racing love can be found in the deserts of Baja California. In 2012 he won the SCORE Baja 1000 driving solo from Ensenada to La Paz in an aircooled VW. Trevor is engaged with hands-on skill sets such as fabrication and engine building, but also the theoretical discussion of design and technology. Trevor has a private pilot's license and is pursuing an MFA in fine art - specifically researching the aesthetics of machines, high performance materials and their social importance to enthusiast culture.
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