SEMA 2019: Catching Ten With The “Coastal Cruiser” ROXOR Build

You don’t see them much anymore, which makes them all the more awesome when you do — no, we’re not talking about Furbies, we’re talking about woodies! ROXOR by Mahindra had the sun shining down on some outdoor builds at this year’s SEMA Show, and one of them was the Coastal Cruiser.

Inspired by the woodies of yesteryear and surfer culture, the Coastal Cruiser appropriately carried a surfboard on its roof and bore other 1940s and ’50s motifs that called to mind the Beach Boys and Jan and Dean. We spoke with Bob Fehan to get the scoop on this far-out build and its origins.

The Coastal Cruiser takes the classic woodie theme and applies it to a diesel-powered UTV.

“We wanted to build something that fit the West Coast theme, and one idea we had was to build a woodie,” said Fehan. “We started early and got the group together, and finished it in time for SEMA.”

Customization is one facet of the ROXOR, and it’s been a significant focus of the manufacturer. Builds like the Coastal Cruiser (and The Marshal) exemplify what the ROXOR can do when imagination is added to the mix.

“On the Coastal Cruiser, we have a custom front grille, custom bumper, and the interior is done up like a guitar amplifier,” commented Fehan. “Believe it or not, we even found a custom surfboard manufacturer, Detroit Surf Company, near our office in Auburn Hills, Michigan. We got them involved, and they made this neat little surfboard for us.”

The Coastal Cruiser took about eight weeks to complete, and Fehan couldn’t be prouder of it. “I just love the craftsmanship of it,” he said. “It’s nicely executed. I’ve seen other woodie builds here at SEMA, but not something with this high level of quality.”

The work it took to make the Coastal Cruiser a reality is worth celebrating and touches on how versatile these little diesel UTVs can be. To see what kind of ROXOR would be perfect for you, be sure to visit the official website.

About the author

David Chick

David Chick comes to us ready for adventure. With passions that span clean and fast Corvettes all the way to down and dirty off-road vehicles (just ask him about his dream Jurassic Park Explorer), David's eclectic tastes lend well to his multiple automotive writing passions.
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