SEMA 2022: Corsa Intake And Exhaust Systems Let Your C8 Breathe

SEMA 2022: Corsa Intake And Exhaust Systems Let Your C8 Breathe

There’s no denying the popularity of the mid-engine C8 Chevy Corvette. Many enthusiasts always seek more power, a more performance-oriented sound, and a way to distinguish their ride from the crowd. Thankfully, for those owners, Corsa has systems designed to do all those things on both the intake and exhaust sides of the engine.

More Air In

Starting at the front (which is now in the back), Corsa has created its all-carbon-fiber air intake (P/N: 44003D), combining the awesome beauty of raw carbon fiber weave with the performance-enhancing benefits of dual DryTech 3D synthetic dry air filters. These dry synthetic filters are manufactured using specialized hydrophobic polysynthetic fibers designed for consumers who prefer the ease of maintenance of a non-oiled filter but the performance gains of a traditional cotton gauze media.

Two DryTech 3D synthetic dry air filters scrub the air while allowing increased airflow to your LT2 engine.

The Corsa carbon fiber intake is comprised of 100-percent carbon fiber, features dual inlets, and includes a machined, anodized aluminum mass air flow mounting plate.

More Performance Out

Continuing the airflow increases, engineers at Corsa have designed an entire exhaust system, complete with options to match your C8’s build sheet. To start, a set of premium 304 stainless headers open up your C8’s exhaust with a mandrel bent 1-7/8-inch tuned primary feeding into a three-inch collector that will bolt right up to the factory C8 cats. For even more performance, those flanges perfectly match a set of Corsa hi-flow catalytic converters. Corsa headers are designed to fit coupe and convertible C8 Stingray Corvettes, and no tuning is required.

Fine-tuning of the performance exhaust note is best done by Corsa’s cat-back exhaust systems designed for C8s with or without Chevy’s factory NPP (GM option code for bi-modal exhaust) exhaust upgrade. The Corsa NPP exhaust is both louder (+9 decibels) and quieter (-1 decibels) than the stock system, and the OEM actuator motors bolt right up to the new exhaust. Corsa’s cat-back exhaust systems are manufactured from three-inch 304 stainless steel and feature a custom, free-flowing design featuring an x-pipe for the best performance. Systems can be ordered with or without the NPP valving.

The Corsa cat-back system can be ordered with or without the factory NPP system. Those with the noise canceling option use the OEM actuator motors to allow for a more performance-oriented sound with an even quieter exhaust note than factory when not wanted.

As with all Corsa exhaust systems, the C8 cat-back exhausts carry Corsa’s lifetime warranty, and the valves are warranted for five years. All Corsa components include the necessary hardware and provide detailed instructions to guide you through the installation. Check out the Corsa website for more information and see the entire line of products Corsa carries for your C8 or any other vehicles that may reside in your garage!

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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