SEMA 2022: Dynamat Shows Kindig Design CF1 Corvette

SEMA 2022: Dynamat Shows Kindig Design CF1 Corvette

It seems like just yesterday when Dave Kindig debuted his reimagined 1953 Corvette, dubbed CF1, at last year’s SEMA Show. A year later at SEMA 2022, we stumbled upon another example of Kindig’s CF1 over at the Dynamat booth. We loved the CF1 then, and we love it even more now.

For those of you not up to speed on Kindig’s CF1, here’s the cheat sheet. Kindig wanted to produce his own turn-key car, designed by his team and sold by his company, so he assembled some of the best suppliers in the business, and his team got to work.

Although the body looks like a 1953 Corvette, every panel has been reworked and massaged. Kindig wanted to create a modernized version of Chevy’s embryonic plastic sports car, erasing all the flaws the almost 70-year-old design suffered from. From bigger wheel wells to lowered footwells and an enlarged interior, the car now fits modern humans as well as the latest tires and wheels.

Doug’s Performance Corvette (formerly Classic Reflection Coachworks) makes the carbon-fiber body and ships it to Kindig Design in Utah. From there, it is plopped onto a state-of-the-art Roadster Shop chassis, complete with modern suspension and brakes. Then the Kindig guys stuff in a GM LS crate motor, all suited up in stacked, gilded glory.

The car is being shown sans interior to demonstrate Dynamat’s insulation material, but looks almost complete. The baseball glove-colored interior pairs well with the deep ocean blue paint and the gigantic bronze wagon wheels squeezed under the fenders.

When it comes to Kindig It Design, we can totally dig it and can’t wait to see this thing all buttoned up and ready to roll. Great job guys, and thanks for bringing the car to SEMA 2022!

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About the author

Dave Cruikshank

Dave Cruikshank is a lifelong car enthusiast and an editor at Power Automedia. He digs all flavors of automobiles, from classic cars to modern EVs. Dave loves music, design, tech, current events, and fitness.
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