SEMA 2022: Vintage Air Showcases New Gen 5 Super Magnum A/C Unit

While we can all sit around and talk about the good old days of automotive history, one thing that we can’t look over is the lack of efficiency that air conditioners of previous eras had. While manufacturers attempted every way possible to get cool air into the cabin, it goes without saying that modern air conditioning is more efficient and blows colder air than anything seen in the past.

However, retrofitting an air conditioner setup from one vehicle to another is not an easy task. That’s where Vintage Air shines, as their systems have been tested to not only provide cold air, but include the entire swap kit needed to retrofit air conditioning into your classic ride.

Vintage Air

This year, the team at Vintage Air unveiled the latest iteration of its Magnum climate control systems at the SEMA Show. The Super 5 Magnum is an electronically controlled system featuring an industry-first OEM-quality injection molded case and block-type expansion valve.

Vintage Air’s units are extremely popular with classic car owners and builders, who can equip their timeless machines with the modern-day creature comfort of cool and quiet air-conditioning. Based in San Antonio, Texas, where summer temperatures often soar into the 90s and even the triple digits, Vintage Air has the perfect environment for putting its products to the test.

The Gen-5 unit design also incorporates rubber over-molded blend air doors for smooth operation and a positive seal for comfortable temperature control no matter the season. The case also features multiple mounting options and air outlet configurations (with large 2.5-inch outlets to boot), and importantly, has a large, higher-capacity blower to deliver 20-percent more air than a standard climate control system blower.

The Gen-5 Super Magnum didn’t just get our attention… it also received runner-up honors for Best New Street Rod/Custom product at the SEMA Show.

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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