SEMA 2023: BluePrint Engines 549-Horsepower 376-Cube Crate Engine

SEMA 2023: BluePrint Engines 549-Horsepower 376-Cube Crate Engine

Crate engines are usually a bit of a balance between smooth drivability and improved performance of the factory engine it’s replacing. BluePrint Engines has been handling that balance for decades, and at this year’s SEMA show, have one of their latest LS offerings on display – the 376 cubic-inch ProSeries fuel-injected LS engine.

Using all-new parts, the ProSeries Engine is an LS3-based powerplant with BluePrint’s own aluminum rectangle-port cylinder heads. The rotating assembly is comprised of a nodular iron 3.622-inch stroke crank, 6.125-inch steel rods, and 4.065-inch hypereutectic aluminum pistons. A healthy .612/.585 lift camshaft with 225/238 duration at .050 on a 113-degree LSA balances power, sound, and drivability.

BluePrint Engines fabricated LS3 Intake

The Blueprint Engines 376 cubic-inch ProSeries engine uses all-new parts in its construction, including BluePrint’s own fabricated sheetmetal intake and aluminum rectangle-port cylinder heads.

“This engine also has our fabricated intake on it,” says BluePrint Engines’ rep, Stephanie Vohnout Larchick. “It doesn’t come with an ECU, but the ECU is available separately with our tune that is locked in, so that it’s ready to run when it comes out of the crate. Or, you can run it using any of the popular engine control systems on the market for the LS.”

One of the benefits of using BluePrint’s ECU is that the calibration has BluePrint Engines stamp of approval, because it’s their calibration. “The tune was developed 100 percent by our engineers and has gone through an incredible amount of testing in a lot of different environmental and driving conditions,” says Stephanie. “Everything is done in-house in our factory and the engine comes with a 30-month, 50,000-mile warranty.”

And therein lies the beauty of this crate engine, 549 horsepower and 469 lb-ft of torque on pump gas, in a dyno-tested package built from all new components, ready to run, with a warranty.

The 376-cube engine makes a stout 549 horsepower and 469 lb-ft of torque, all with a 30-month, 50,000-mile warranty.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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