SEMA 2023: Edelbrock’s New GEN III HEMI Cylinder Heads


Dodge’s GEN III HEMI has proven itself to be a powerful engine that can work in a variety of applications. This engine can deliver 700 horsepower with a stock set of heads and a blower from Dodge. Now, you can really help the GEN III HEMI breathe with a set of Performer RPM or Victor CNC cylinder heads from Edelbrock.

Edelbrock’s cylinder heads have a reputation for coaxing serious horsepower out of any engine they’re bolted onto. The Performer RPM cylinder heads come fully assembled with valvetrain parts from COMP Cams. These cylinder heads will work with 5.7 Eagle, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.4-liter intake manifolds. If you want to step up the performance possibilities even more, you can go with the Victor CNC HEMI cylinder heads. These heads have come bare, so you can select the valvetrain components you need for your application. The Victor CNC cylinder heads have been worked over and were developed for maximum performance.

Jamie Wagner, Edelbrock’s Cylinder Head Product Manager explains how these new heads will help any HEMI engine maximize horsepower production.

“The Performer RPM is designed with improved intake and exhaust port shapes to maximize airflow and velocity all while retaining the budget-friendly price point of an “as-cast” cylinder head. Improvements were also made to the valve train geometry to accommodate high lift cams with additional bracing added to rocker shaft towers that provide a much more rigid and stable valve train. The Victor CNC incorporates all the same improvements of the Performer RPM, with the addition of CNC machined ports and combustion chambers to further improve flow for maximum horsepower builds. Both heads feature a 6-bolt design that allows these heads to be used on a stock 15-bolt, OE style block, or an aftermarket 23-bolt block to increase clamping.”

You can learn more about these cylinder heads on Edelbrock’s website right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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