With the Ford Godzilla market rapidly expanding, huge performance demands are being placed on the Blue Oval’s newest powerplant. In order to meet those demands, MAHLE Motorsport has developed a pair of off-the-shelf piston kits to handle everything from mild performance upgrades all the way to a max-effort boosted build.
“The market for the Ford Godzilla engine is huge, and is growing every year,” explains MAHLE’s Rob Kinnan. “There is a big need for good, forged pistons out here, and that’s what we’ve brought to market. They come in our PowerPak, which includes the rings and wrist pins. All of the components are designed built and machined together and come as a complete kit in a box.”

The Ford Godzilla PowerPak piston kit is available in both 4032 and 2618 aluminum alloys. Between the two forged piston alloys, the entire gamut of performance is covered, mild to wild.
There are two variants of the Godzilla PowerPak piston currently being sold. Both variants are of similar design and specifications; it’s the alloy the pistons are forged from that differ. “One is a 2618 alloy the other is a 4032 alloy. The forged 2618 aluminum is better for high boost or lots of nitrous, and more extreme uses thanks to its extra ductility,” Kinnan says. “The 4032 is a less ductile alloy, so it expands less at operating temperature, which allows you to have a tighter piston-to-wall clearance, closer to what you’d see in a factory application. So it’s a nice quiet piston.”
Whether you’re just doing a mild street build — keeping in mind that in this day and age, anything south of 800 horsepower can be considered “mild” — or a full-blown big-power project that is going to see significant cylinder temperatures and pressures, there is a Godzilla PowerPak piston kit that’s right for you, sitting on the shelf ready to go.