SEMA 2024: Anderson Composites Lightens Up 2024 Mustang And F-150

SEMA 2024: Anderson Composites Lightens Up 2024 Mustang And F-150

As a fan of modern Blue Oval vehicles, you have more than likely heard of Anderson Composites. And, if somehow, you haven’t before, you’re about to now. A leader in the aftermarket carbon fiber component market, they are known for very high-quality parts that are lightweight and functional. At this year’s SEMA Show, they had a fleet of cars showcasing their parts, but the two that caught our eye were the 2024 Darkhorse Mustang and the 2024 F-150 — a first for Anderson.

“We want to reduce weight while improving aerodynamics and improving head extraction. So with that in mind, we designed an all-carbon [S650] hood that will do exactly that,” says Anderson Composites’ Zach Bohn. “We’re almost half the factory weight too. The OE hood is 40 pounds and we’re right at 21.5 pounds.”

Anderson gave the back of the Darkhorse a similar treatment. “On the back, we also have an all-carbon-fiber trunk lid on it, along with the Track Pack wing. This car also has a carbon fiber belt bar in it, so you can put race harnesses in it. We’re continuing to explore new avenues we can go down,” says Bohn.

Speaking of new roads, Anderson Composites is now making parts for trucks, showcasing their short-bed supercharged F-150. The carbon fiber cowl front hood comes as no surprise to see in the lineup, but the carbon fiber splitter, roof spoiler, and tailgate spoiler definitely caught us off guard. “We’ve run all these products through CFD simulations, and as expected, this thing is a big brick,” laughs Bohn. “We wanted to make sure that since these trucks are going so fast, let’s get [the aerodynamics] as clean and safe as possible.”

In addition to the aero components, Anderson has wider fenders available to accommodate wider tires on the F150, to allow the most common fitments seen on these trucks as they “beat up on supercars,” as Bohn puts it. Without a doubt, if you are looking for a carbon fiber part for your S650 Mustang or modern F-150, Anderson is likely to not only have it, but also some parts you didn’t even know you needed.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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