SEMA 2024: BuildPro Rhino Cart Portable Fabrication Station

One thing the SEMA Show is good for, beyond all the cool custom builds and flashy new parts, is a solid assortment of tools on display. One of those that caught our attention is BuildPro Welding Tables’ new Rhino cart. So many builders often find themselves modifying or outright building their own carts to suit their needs. While that might not be an everyday case, or even often enough to justify a full fabrication table (either monetarily or floor-space-wise), the compact Rhino cart might be just the ticket.

Measuring 48 inches by 30 inches, with a 36-inch work height, the Rhino cart has a 5/8-inch-thick steel worktop, outfitted with 5/8-inch diameter fixturing holes on two-inch centers, with a slag tray below the work surface for easy clean out, and protection for items in the cart. The cart comes with a 66-piece fixture kit to get started, along with a pegboard built into the underside of the cart for tool and accessory storage. “Our toolsets are like Lego, you can buy what you need, and add on as your needs grow,” explains Joel Chinchilla, BuildPro’s Marketing Manager.

“This is a very good starting fixture kit for building things, and would be great for headers or other smaller [physically] projects,” Joel continues. “It’s got casters to easily roll around the shop and leveling feet for when you’re working on it. It holds up to 1,500 pounds, so it will hold pretty much anything that will fit on the work surface.”

The cart’s dimensions are large enough to handle most projects you’d find in a non-fabrication shop while being compact enough to sit in a corner and not take up valuable space. Whether it’s welding a bung into a valve cover, fabbing up a set of dyno headers, or welding up a turbo kit, the Rhino cart would make a nice addition to your shop.

Rhino portable fabrication table

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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