SEMA 2024: Edelbrock’s New Victor LSXR Supercharger For LS3 Swaps

The Victor LSXR is the newest addition to Edelbrock’s supercharger lineup. It started as a clean sheet design, specifically with high-horsepower LS3 swaps in mind. Edelbrock says the LSXR offers thrilling performance and extreme power. It can support over 1,300 horsepower, and its design boasts a colossal 120mm inlet, combined with high-performance Eaton TVS rotors for the maximum possible airflow development and vast power potential.

Edelbrock’s VICTOR LSXR Supercharger

Edelbrock acknowledges that this type of forced induction system demands huge amounts of fueling, but the Victor LSXR is ready. It comes with provisions for secondary fuel injectors and alternative racing fuels such as E85 or methanol to provide consistency at even the maximum boost levels. The supercharger also introduces a new dimension of boost control, thanks to Edelbrock’s innovative Electronic Boost Control Valve (EBCV).

Edelbrock’s VICTOR LSXR Supercharger

This technology, instead of the traditional vacuum-actuated bypass valve, uses a precise electronic system. It’s paired with a smartphone app that lets drivers fine-tune the boost strategy by adjusting the maximum level of boost to correlate with track conditions or driving style. The smartphone app also allows users to monitor and datalog boost levels, intake air temperature, throttle position, and engine rpm.

While engineered as a universal solution for LS3 swaps, Edelbrock recognizes that each application is different and offers fitment notes and recommendations for several LS3-swapped platforms. This includes guidelines for the best motor mount location so there is suitable firewall and hood clearance.

Edelbrock’s VICTOR LSXR Supercharger

There’s also an entire line of ancillary parts available from Edelbrock. This allows customers to customize the system according to their own needs and power goals. This new supercharger gives drivers the technological input they want, along with high performance. The Victor LSXR combines raw power and precise control in a well-designed, adaptable package.

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