SEMA 2024: Hypertech 2022-’24 GM 1500 Speedometer Correction Module

With the insane complexity of modern engine control systems, something that was an easy no-brainer on early OBD-II computer — like making a speedometer correction after a wheel and tire change — is now more akin to tuning the space shuttle. However, Hypertech has been doing this long enough, that no matter how complex vehicular engine control systems get, they are able to get in there and do what needs to be done.

To that end, the company was showing off its In-Line Speedometer Calibrator Module, specifically for 2022-2024 GM Silverado and Sierra 1500 trucks. “With a lot of trucks being outfitted with aftermarket suspension systems, along with larger wheel and tire packages, this will correct the speedometer reading from the ECU,” explains Hypertech’s Chris Fairless.

While the days of a small rectangle and a single cable are long gone, Fairless assures us that the nest of wires seen here is nothing to be concerned with. “The device is plug and play, with all factory harness connectors.” Utilizing factory harness connectors might not seem like a big deal, but with the complexity of these systems, not having to deal with a pinout is a huge plus.

With today's complex ECUs, Hypertech's decision to use all OEM connectors makes this an easy plug-and-play propisition.

This Speedometer Correction Module is designed to work with the 10-speed transmission backing the 3.0-liter diesel, 5.3-liter gasoline, and 6.2-liter gasoline engines, with other applications available for other GM applications as well as Ford, Jeep, Nissan, Ram, and Toyota vehicles. Tire size can be adjusted anywhere from a 30-inch overall diameter all the way up to a 44-inch overall diameter, accommodating even the most aggressive of wheel and tire combinations.

The kit consists of a control box, handheld display, and complete wiring harness. Best of all, the kit is 50-state legal, so there are no worries about throwing any kinds of codes, or showing any modification of the ECU when you go through your state’s emissions inspection.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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