2010 Mooneyes Hot Rod Show Recap

Image: Speedhunters.com

Here in the United States one of our larger car gatherings is the SEMA show, which lets companies showcase there custom cars and truck to the general public. The hot rod scene is huge here in the states and even over seas. Hot Rodding is popular because you can use your own creativity and artistic ability to create some very unique and powerful cars in your own garage.

Over on Speedhunters we found that American muscle cars and modifying hot rods can be a hobby around the word. Japan who is also very much known for there import tuner style cars, also have high interest in customizing American hot rods.

Each year in Minato-Mirai area of Yokohama Japan holds a hot rodding car show called the Mooneyes Hot Rod Show. As the car show starts to come together you will find anything from a Ford Deluxe to a green Chevy van and a custom 1936 Ford coupe made for a Metallica band member. For all you import fans out there, they had plenty of cool Japanese vintage cars like a rotary-powered Mazda Luce.

This type of show is great in bringing hobbyist, and customizes together from different countries to share there passion and to get new idea for futures projects. Not only was this just a car show it also allowed different vendors and individuals to come in and sell different parts and toys like a booth we found selling mini model cars. In the mist of the awesome hot rods was an artiest that had his art work on display for the right buyer.

If you are an avid car and hot rod lover that may be in the Japan area, be sure to check out the Mooneyes hot rod show or check in with Speedhunters.com for full details. This show is ever growing and is sure to be huge successes in 2011.

About the author

Jon Carmean

Jon is a hardcore fan of F-bodies and anything drag racing. Owning many F-bodies over his lifetime, Jon works on his own cars himself. Jon started freelancing for Power Automedia in 2009.
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