Andy Pilgrim Brings His Championship-Winning Knowledge Directly To You

We recently reported that long-time Chevrolet and Cadillac factory driver Andy Pilgrim has joined the NCM Motorsports Park as a full-time team member and Andy wasted no time in bringing his expertise to those interested in becoming a better driver.

Andy has a passion for teaching new drivers how to be safer drivers and of course, he’s a motorsport enthusiast, so he’s always seeking to hone his craft and share his experience with other enthusiasts looking to do the same. The National Corvette Museum has just announced that Andy Pilgrim will be offering one-on-one sessions with enthusiasts that include private track time at the NCM Motorsports Park. Sessions will be limited to up to two drivers per day and will include Andy setting a data lap and giving the trainee valuable takeaway information and analysis via VBOX.

Andy’s abilities as a driver and his communication skills open up a higher level of learning to those seeking to improve their skills.

Both one, and two-day sessions are available. Lunch is included on both one, and two-day sessions and dinner is included on the first of the two-day sessions. The cost is $3,000 for one day in your car or $5,500 for two days in your car. This program is also available with the use of the NCM Motorsports’ car for $6,000 for one day and $11,000 for two days.

Special group sessions are available for up to five drivers and include private track time, instructional classroom time, and takeaway data and analysis. Lunch is included. One day with your car is $10,000. The NCM also provides special track day insurance for an additional fee.

With a mission of helping drivers of all ages and skill levels become more proficient behind the wheel, Andy Pilgrim brings his years of experience and expertise to new drivers and those seeking to hone their skills. This opportunity has been made available solely through the great working relationship between the Corvette Museum and the NCM Motorsports Park. Contact Matt Busby for information and booking at 270-467-8802 or email him at [email protected].

We’re thrilled to have Andy and not only his more than 30 years of incredible racing skills, but also his expertise on distracted driving. – NCM Motorsports Park General Manager Mitch Wright.

Thanks to a supportive Corvette community that values the brand’s history, Bowling Green has become the hub for all things Corvette. Corvette faithful can interact with the brand’s colorful history at the Museum, watch history in the making at the only Corvette Assembly Plant, located directly across the road from the NCM and Motorsports Park (once assembly plant tours resume) and now enthusiasts can enjoy one-on-one insights by one of Corvette Racing’s Hall of Fame members. The resin surely runs deep in the Kentucky countryside.

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About the author

Andy Bolig

Andy has been intrigued by mechanical things all of his life and enjoys tinkering with cars of all makes and ages. Finding value in style points, he can appreciate cars of all power and performance levels. Andy is an avid railfan and gets his “high” by flying radio-controlled model airplanes when time permits. He keeps his feet firmly grounded by working on his two street rods and his supercharged C4 Corvette. Whether planes, trains, motorcycles, or automobiles, Andy has immersed himself in a world driven by internal combustion.
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