Auto Custom Carpets Has Your Mustang’s Floorboard Covered

If you are looking for floor mats, carpeting or sound deadening for your vintage pony car, Auto Custom Carpets (ACC) probably has what you need.  At this year’s SEMA Tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada, we stopped by to see what the crew at ACC was up to this year.

We talked to Roger Niehaus of Auto Custom Carpets about the latest and greatest product from the research and development side of the house.  As it turned out, Roger and crew were showing off a new molded fire wall insulation pad that was a bit more “user friendly” than previous versions.

Roger explained; “we have two new models of the molded firewall pad, one for ’65 through ’66 Mustangs, and the other for ’67 through ’68 Mustangs.  Unlike the originals or some other replacements, these are molded to the firewall.  Where there is a curve, our firewall pad has a curve, and the best thing about these firewall pads is that they are cut for the specific models.  There are openings for steering columns, fuse boxes and wiring harnesses.  You don’t have to attack them with an x-acto knife to cut a hole in the pad.”

We checked out the quality of the materials in the firewall pad and it seemed that the pad was thicker and more dense than the original piece.  It should be able to deaden most of the road noise and engine rumble that are inherent in these models.

" we took care to ensure that the original factory grain was perfectly simulated."

Niehaus also explained; ” we took care to ensure that the original factory grain was perfectly simulated.”

Niehaus also explained that these firewall mats are an upgrade to the original factory product.  If you are building a concours OEM factory replicated Mustang, these might not be for you.  But if you want an upgraded firewall mat that fits perfectly and doesn’t need hunks butchered out of it to fit, and you are looking to deaden some of the road and engine noise, then this is the way to go.

For more information on Auto Custom Carpets or the Mustang Firewall Pad, check them out at

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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