Beach Racing Alive and Well in New Jersey at Race of Gentlemen

Mention auto racing on the beach and the hard-packed sands of Daytona are usually the imagined destination. However the fluffy beach in Allenhurst is where New Jersey’s Oilers Car Club had in mind when they decided to organize and hold the first ever Race of Gentlemen. This video of the October 20, 2012 event was created by John Sykes and really gives the viewer a sense of the rollicking atmosphere of the event as well as a feel for the problems participants dealt with trying to compete on uncooperative racing surfaces.

Entry for the racing action was limited to pre-war cars and pre-war, tank shifted motorcycles. The 1/8-mile beach course was laid out in such a way that the competitors not only must negotiate the shifting racing surface but also deal with the water level as the waves and tides expanded and contracted the width of the course.

Running a smooth operation and keeping everyone safe is a difficult task under the best of circumstances. However, pedestrians toting surfboards across the racing course demands a special kind of patience and a great sense of humor!

Producing automotive events have their own set of challenges but having a race on a public beach ushers in unique circumstances. Not the least of which is creating and maintaining a racing surface on what is basically liner material for a fish tank! The video graphically shows that despite repeated grading and rolling with heavy equipment, the sand at Allenhurst definitely lacks the firmness found at the more famous automotive beach venues. Even with the addition of a plywood launchpad or the use of some strategically placed wooden pallets in the sand, traction was very hard to come by. However the video evidence shows that the competitors were undeterred by the changing conditions and went on to enjoy an event that is sure to become an annual tradition in the area. 

Congratulations to the Oilers C.C. for a job well done. It’s fairly evident from the video that the Race of Gentlemen was a rousing success and that a good time was had by all.  If you want to see more of the race and festivities surrounding it, there are also more photos available at the event’s Facebook page. It’ll be fun to see the return of this event in years to come!

About the author

Paul Lambert

Paul Lambert is an independent writer who grew up during a time in Southern California car culture when big horsepower and high speed were celebrated above all. He now understands that turning, stopping, appearance and comfort are equal in importance...almost! Paul tries to find something likeable and interesting about anything with wheels and thinks that the people, history, and culture of hot rodding are often as important to the story as the cars and events being featured.
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