Black Air: GN Documentary Trailer Finally Released!

Fans of the Buick Grand National should be well aware by now that there has been a documentary of the car in the making for over a year. Entitled, “Black Air: The Buick Grand National Documentary,” it discusses the entire history of the coveted ’80s musclecar. It also visits those who have had a huge role in not only designing the car, but keeping it alive as well. 

We’ve been bringing our readers updates over the last twelve months as the news came in, but today just 15 minutes before we wrote this, independent filmmaker Andrew Filippone Jr. released the official trailer for this documentary. The film will be released on December 11th, 2012 twenty-five years to the day that the last Buick Grand National rolled off of the Flint, Michigan, assembly line. 

For those of you who don’t know, the final GN is alive and well and still owned by the Colvin family who picked it up from the factory after watching it being built. It still retains all of its paperwork, factory interior plastic, and has very minimal mileage on the odometer. It’s featured in this clip, and will be discussed in further detail in the film.

We’ve been in touch with Andrew since the beginning, and the original teaser was a Street Legal TV exclusive brought to you by your author. You can read more about the film by visiting the documentary’s website,, or checking out the Facebook page. We have a feeling we might just get one more sneak peek before December, so for you Buick fans out there, keep your fingers crossed!

About the author

Rick Seitz

Being into cars at a very early age, Rick has always preferred GM performance cars, and today's LS series engines just sealed the deal. When he's not busy running errands around town in his CTS-V, you can find him in the garage wrenching on his WS6 Trans Am, or at the local cruise spots in his Grand National.
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