Cleetus McFarland Goes For Broke With Leroy The Savage

Cleetus McFarland Goes For Broke With Leroy The Savage

Drag racing can be a challenging sport. Massive amounts of horsepower are hard on parts and can be especially tough on the driver’s wallet. Not only does it take money to be the fastest in the game, but it’s also needed when you break stuff. And if you are racing a stick shift Corvette, we guarantee there’s going to be some carnage along the way.

Cleetus McFarland is no stranger to the stick shift game. Even though Leroy The Savage, his Vette Kart, has been off the track for a while, it’s back and faster than ever. In a previous video, McFarland made several changes to the ‘Vette, including a “spicy” tune from KSR, Black Magic clutch, and a set of Fuel Injector Clinic (FIC) injectors. While McFarland set a new personal record in Leroy, he manages to lose in the finals at a Street Car Takeover event due to a missed shift. The problem is with the new setup; McFarland is no longer using the clutch between gear changes. Since he isn’t accustomed to this process, McFarland rested his foot on the clutch in the finals, which caused an ignition cut and slowed the car down, causing him to lose the race.

If you’re going to be consistent in racing, you need to practice, and that’s what McFarland came to do in the above video, and it paid off, well, sort of. In his first pass of the trailer, Leroy The Savage lives up to his name as McFarland makes his best pass to date. The Corvette went a blistering 1.2 60-foot, 5.003 1/8-mile at 142.60 and a record-setting 7.677 1/4-mile time at 184.47 mph. Wanting a little more, McFarland worked with KSR to bring the power in a little sooner, trying to squeeze a sub-five second pass in the 1/8-mile. Unfortunately, this accomplishment was not in the cards for the team as McFarland breaks the T56 transmission after only two passes. The good news is, they have figured out a way to make the Corvette’s differential hold together. The bad news is, this has exposed the next weak link in the driveline, which is the input shaft.

Even though the ‘Vette is down, McFarland states that he has another transmission, and the car is heading to Houston for a race. We can only assume that he’s referring to TX2K. We expect McFarland to be ready at this race and armed with more than just a crescent wrench as he tries to better his new personal best.


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About the author

Brian Havins

A gearhead for life, Brian is obsessed with all things fast. Banging gears, turning wrenches, and praying while spraying are just a few of his favorite things.
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