COBB Tuning and BOOSTane Team Up For Mustang Week Giveaway

Mustang Week is the perfect event for Mustang owners who want to enjoy a week in a vibrant destination city while taking part in various meets throughout Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This year, at the Player 1 Up meet and greet, BOOSTane and COBB Tuning teamed up to give away a COBB Tuning Accessport performance programmer and a 6-month supply of BOOSTane Professional to one lucky winner.

Mustang week

BOOSTane’s founder and owner, Ian Lehn, has a personal car that is a Mustang built for open road racing at Big Bend.

EcoBoost Winner

Raffles can be tricky, especially with the variety of Mustangs at these kinds of shows, ranging from classic models to the modern S650 and everything in between. The hope was for an EcoBoost owner to snag the winning ticket, and sure enough, it happened. The winner owned a 2020 Mustang EcoBoost High Performance, but it wasn’t just a stock EcoBoost.

Under the hood, the owner had installed a lower intake from the Coyote counterpart, a Turbosmart blow-off valve, a J&L catch can, and a GT500 cat-back exhaust. Although the owner mentioned he isn’t finished yet, he plans to add a downpipe, wastegate, and an intercooler, aiming for around 400 horsepower at the wheels. The COBB Tuning Accessport and a 6-month supply of BOOSTane Professional should help him get there soon.

Mustang Week Wins

As if you needed another reason to attend Mustang Week, the raffles and prizes are just the icing on the cake. The community and camaraderie among Mustang owners and the manufacturers who promote the Mustang lineup make this event a must-attend. If you didn’t win this raffle, you can still gain some serious horsepower by visiting the COBB Tuning website to order your own Accessport, along with some BOOSTane, to experience significant improvements in performance.

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About the author

James Elkins

Born into a household of motorsport lovers, James learned that wrenching takes priority over broken skin and damaged nerves. Passions include fixing previous owners’ mistakes, writing, and driving.
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