Combat Ethanol-Based Fuel Issues With Help From Lucas Oil Products

One of the more serious concerns that enthusiasts have when asking questions about their classics is about ethanol in fuel. Whether you think it’s a good idea or not, ethanol-infused gasoline is here to stay. Unfortunately, it can wreak havoc on many collector cars. One of the main issues with using ethanol is that it is hygroscopic. In other words, it absorbs water. This water leads to condensation in fuel tanks, fuel lines, and carburetor float bowls. The issue of water in ethanol fuel can also cause paper fuel filters to swell and clog the system.

Gasoline mixed with ethanol also has a shorter shelf life and goes stale quickly. Finally, ethanol is highly corrosive, and this corrosive nature and the fact it “gathers” water means it helps rust to form wherever air meets metal once submerged. Because of these “issues”, you might want to consider using a fuel cleaner/additive from Lucas Oil Products.

Immediate Protection

Lucas Oil Safeguard Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers was developed to specifically address issues associated with using ethanol-based fuels. This applies to E10, E15, E85, pure ethanol, and any mixtures in between including gasoline. This product is completely soluble in all ethanol fuels and will not harm filters. Lucas Safeguard Ethanol Fuel Conditioner with Stabilizers even contains effective additives to prevent rust and corrosion associated with the use of ethanol fuels. This is key to keeping your classic’s fuel system happy and healthy.  Simply add one ounce to every five gallons of fuel.

Lucas oil


  • Cleans injectors, valve seats, combustion chambers, and other critical fuel components
  • Stabilizes fuel and prevents varnish and gum formation in ethanol and gasoline
  • Combats deposits and protects your engine oil lubricants from the harmful effects of alcohol combustion

A Complete Lucas Oil Cleaning

Since corrosion is a concern and if your car gets parked for any length of time, that corrosion and even varnish build-up can keep your car parked. For a deeply cleaned fuel system, check out Lucas’ Complete Fuel System Renewal Kit. This all-in-one system is a great maintenance solution for cars that tend to sit for long periods. To clean the fuel system, simply follow the four easy steps to eliminate gum, varnish, particulate matter, and corrosion from all lines and components. The kit includes one bottle of Lucas Oil Deep Clean Fuel System Cleaner and three bottles of Lucas Upper Cylinder Lubricant and Injector Cleaner. According to Lucas, there is no more effective way to restore your vehicle’s performance. It is also compatible with all fuel types.

Lucas Oil

So, before your ride succumbs to the realities of using ethanol-blended fuels, set yourself with a maintenance program using Lucas Oil Products fuel treatments. You will be glad you did when your car is not another victim of corn-based fuels.


  • A great tune-up in a bottle
  • Cleans and lubricates the fuel system
  • Neutralizes low-sulfur fuel problems
  • Increases power and miles per gallon by burning excess exhaust emissions
  • Increases the life of pumps and injectors

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About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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