Cometic Gaskets, Custom Gaskets At Off The Shelf Prices

Cometic gaskets has been advertising that they are willing to customize any gasket, regardless of the thickness or type, at affordable off the shelf prices.  We stopped by their booth at the 2010 SEMA show to check out their claims.

We talked with Cometic’s Jason Moses about these big claims.  “It’s true.  We can customize any gasket to your exact needs.  Our tooling allows us to make a customer’s gasket based off of a CAD drawing, a scaled picture or even a rubbing or stamping.”

Moses told us that everything Cometic does is in house.  “Any of the design, machining, making dies, or any other part of the process is done in-house.”  According to Moses, they only use a very high quality stainless steel in their gaskets which allow them to produce a quality custom gasket, and because all the work is done internally, the price is very affordable.

The MLS gaskets have become the hot ticket at Cometic, and because of the high quality and customizing work, they have earned a reputation as being a high performance gasket.  “We don’t sell too much for your average grocery getter, but if you have something where the compression levels are around 12:1, then you need to be thinking about MLS gaskets.”

  • Features of the Cometic MLS gaskets:
  • Designed for extreme cylinder pressures.
  • Resists corrosion and will not burn through or push out.
  • Withstands different combinations of cylinder head and exhaust manifold materials.
  • Requires no sealants.

For more information about the Cometic MLS gaskets or Cometic customized gaskets, check out their website at

About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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