Craigslist Find: Cummins Powered Mustang for Sale or Trade

If you’re looking for some free entertainment, there really is no shortage of what you can find on your local Craigslist page. It get’s especially interesting when perusing the automotive section and seeing a combination of misinformation and homemade creations. Today’s Craigslist find is member of the latter. 

While this Frankenstein is out of left field, in theory it makes sense. When it comes to Mustangs of this era and shortly prior, the rollers are affordable and everything behind the transmission will withstand a pretty good beating. For this reason in combination with the ease of engine conversion, we’ve seen a plethora of engine combos thrown at these cars, most commonly of the LSx variety and the occasional Toyota engine.

With that in mind, we must say that we’re hard pressed to recall many times when we’ve seen an SN95 body style Mustang with a diesel under the hood. Don’t get us wrong it’s been done once or twice before, but we highly doubt that you’ll see one at the local car show.

This 12v Cummins powered Ford, complete with a built 8.8-inch and ever popular (or maybe not) 4-lug conversion looks to be half way clean and is definitely unique, we grade this dude high on creativity. Unlike other diesel powered Mustangs (yeah they actually exist), this one is completely street legal and would most likely be an awesome conversation piece for any potential buyer.

Now for the best part – you can have this nineteen year old Mustang for the low low price of just $25,000, that is unless you have a ’67-’69 Camaro sitting around that you’re willing to trade! If that is a little too costly for your situation, you can buy the roller for just $14,000. Don’t get us wrong, the car is totally innovative, but unless it comes with the plot of land it’s sitting on, we are going to have to move along and wish you much luck with your sale. However, if you want to pull trees down with your Mustang and won’t have it any other way, then boy have we found the perfect car for you!

About the author

Jesse Kleiber

Jesse is currently a Senior at the University of Delaware and has been a car freak his entire life, probably due to his dad being a mechanic. If he's not at school or writing about cars, he's probably under the hood or behind the wheel of his '00 Corvette.
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