CULT Energy Drink Builds Widebody Challenger SRT8 for SEMA

Images: Webb Bland

As we close in on the November opening of the 2010 SEMA Show, more show cars are breaking ground. The latest is this one-off widebody Dodge Challenger, sponsored by CULT Energy Drink. Seemingly inspired by the Mad Max Interceptor, this custom work has been around for a while.

The car was shot by the Dupont Registry folks for a possible cover feature, but things change and that won’t happen as originally scheduled. The photographer, Webb Bland, has released the photos with CULT’s permission, as a result. No details of the work were revealed other than what is obvious from the visuals.

The Roots-style blower is an obvious attention-getter, but the rather more subtle curves of the widebody adaptation reveal a very high degree of fabrication skill. The 30-series tires on deep-dish black rims are expected for show cars this season and the bloodshot angel eye headlights add a Hallowe’en slant to the mix.

Bland’s visual presentation of the show car is anything but bland. Black cars are among the most difficult to photograph well, and satin or matte black finishes are even worse. If you have a black car, you’d do well to closely examine his work here and try to pick out the things he has done to present the Challenger as so much more than just a featureless hole in the light.

You can expect this car to generate a lot of buzz out of Las Vegas in early November. Stay tuned.

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