Dynamat Xtreme Produces Quieter, More Comfortable Ride

If you’ve ever owned or driven a classic muscle car or street rod, you’re aware that many of them are highly susceptible to unwanted vibrations and noises that can make your driving experience less than enjoyable. Listening to your music, talking on your phone, or making conversation can quickly become an afterthought to the constant drone of engine and road-going noises. And because these cars are often taken on long distance excursions, comfort is of the utmost importance on the list of many enthusiasts.

Turning your rough ride into one of luxury doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, and the folks at Dynamat have just the ticket. Here at SEMA, the company is showcasing their Dynamat Xtreme, – a sound and vibration dampening material made of 4-mil aluminum with a beutel rubber compound that is sticky nature and acts as the adhesive element of the product.

The Dynamat Xtreme comes in sheets ranging in a multitude of sizes, with 18×32″ being the most common size and 24×48″ being the largest. The sheets are easily installed, requiring no heat or prep-work beforehand. You can quickly trace the shape you’d like to cut depending on where in the cars’ interior you plan to adhere the material to, and simply cut it with scissors or a knife.

The Dynamat Xtreme can be used on rear decks, floors, doors, and in the trunk to create a solid ride with a much more quiet, comfortable cruising environment.

  • Available in several seizes, up to 24×48″ sheets
  • No heat of prep-work needed for installation
  • Beutel material works as the adhesive, thus no typical adhesive compounds

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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