Easily Add Plug-And-Play Keyless Entry To A Fox Mustang

Driving a Fox Mustang it takes you back to a simpler era. It was a time of bright colors, decadence, and the most adaptable Mustang ever built. For those who love the 1979-1993 Mustangs, driving them means missing out on some of the modern conveniences, unless you add them yourselves.

For those who wish their 1985-1993 Mustangs had a handy keyless-entry system — with a keyfob that unlocks the car like modern Mustangs — FoxLox has a plug-and-play system that adds that functionality to your Fox. The enthusiasts over at LMR highlighted the system features and installation details in a recent video.

For those looking to add keyless entry to their 1985-1993 Mustang with power locks, LMR carries both the standard FoxLox system and a kit (pictured) that includes fresh door-lock actuators and the necessary installation hardware. The FoxLox system plugs into the factory wiring harness and just needs a ground-wire connection to complete the installation. For vehicles so equipped, you can also tap into the trunk-release button to open it remotely as well. (Photo Credit: LMR)

“…This is going to get the car kind of into the 21st century. This is going to be for the Fox-body owner out there that may have already completed their car and they’re looking to add something else to it in the form of an accessory or somebody that may be starting from the ground up on a restoration project,” LMR Video Production Manager/Video Host Landan Durham explained. “But, wherever your interests are, if you’re looking for a keyless entry system, the FoxLox kit I have here is a really good solution.”

The system includes the control module, a plug-and-play wiring harness, and a pair of factory-style key fobs with flip-out keys. It even includes a control app that allows remote locking and unlocking with your smartphone. The installation is straightforward, and the system will even unlock the trunk of cars with factory release buttons in the glovebox.

“Some things you’re going to need to know prior to installing this kit, number one is going to be the condition of the actuators,” Landan advised. “If your actuators sound weak they probably are weak and I would go ahead and replace them. If you know your actuators are kind of in good working condition it’s recommended by FoxLox that you still inspect those actuators and maybe lubricate the shaft, that way you you know you have a nice, smooth operation.”

Included in the FoxLox system are two key fobs with flip-out physical key blanks that can be cut to match your car keys. This allows for manually unlocking the door in the event of something like a dead battery. What is even cooler is the companion app that enables locking and unlocking your Fox from a smartphone, which is something we couldn’t even imagine back in the heyday of these cars.

Fortunately, LMR not only offers the base FoxLox system, but also a kit augmented with fresh actuators and the needed tools and hardware to perform that upgrade and ensure that your fresh keyless entry system performs flawlessly. For the full details and installation, you can watch the video above, and for information on the Foxlox system, you can visit the product page right here.

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About the author

Steve Turner

Steve Turner brings decades of passion and knowledge in the world of Ford performance, having covered it for over 20 years. From the swan song of the Fox Mustang to the birth of the Coyote, Steve had a front-row seat.
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