East Bound & Down: The 2014 Bandit Run is Coming

We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, for the 2014 Bandit Run. Beginning on June 20th, Sheriff Buford T. Justice will be chasing a fleet of Bandits from Carlisle, to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, as part of Restore A Muscle Car‘s annual Bandit Run. The run will feature plenty of ’77 Trans Ams, all four generations of F-bodies and even a… Mustang?! The Bandit run is opened to all makes and models – doing what they say can’t be done: traveling from Pennsylvania to South Carolina enjoying car shows and burnouts while being chased by a fleet of Buford T. Justices the entire way.

The run will begin on June 20th in Carlisle where drivers will have a chance to test their skills in autocross and roast their tires in a burnout contest; a showing of the beloved film on the big screen will also be a part of the fun. From Carlisle, the pack will drive south towards Chantilly, Virgina, blasting East Bound and Down and trading jokes over the CB radio along the way. Along the way the group will stop at the Gettysburg Battlefield before heading to Chantilly. Once there, a car show will take place at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, the companion facility to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.

Will the man himself, Burt Reynolds be making an appearance?

Next the pack will head down to Virginia Beach for another car show, more autocross and more tire smoking burnouts. On June 26th, the group will arrive at the final stop: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with a final a car show signaling the end of the 2014 Bandit Run, at Legends in Concert at Broadway at the Beach, and judging from the promo video perhaps the Bandit himself, Burt Reynolds, may be making an appearance? So who’s up for making the Bandit Run part of their week this year?

“SUM BITCH! I’m gonna get you bandit!”

About the author

Josh Courter

Josh Courter is a Power Automedia freelancer with a serious passion for anything custom. Rods, classics, sleds, and even motorcycles provide inspiration for Josh along with his passion for automotive history.
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