Ed Iskenderian — The Camfather — Named Car Guy Of The Century

Ed Iskenderian — The Camfather — Named Car Guy Of The Century

There aren’t many people who reach their 100th birthday, let alone pioneer an entire culture of racing and performance. However, Ed Iskenderian — the “Isky” of Isky Racing Cams — is about to reach the centennial milestone. Recently, in honor of both his impending birthday and his amazing achievements in the automotive aftermarket, Conejo Valley Cars & Coffee named Iskendarian “Car Guy of the Century.”

The award comes during the Conejo Valley Cars & Coffee’s (CVCC) 7th-anniversary celebration. Previously, they had named a “Car Guy of the Year” at the anniversary get together, but this year, they decided that honor wasn’t enough for the soon-to-be centenarian.

“There is no one in our car community that has been more beloved and inspirational in the world of motorsports than ‘Isky’ and we’re thrilled to unite together to honor this once-in-a-century milestone,” said Craig Casey, founder of the Conejo Valley Cars & Coffee. “The ‘Car Guy of the Century’ award is only one small way we can express our gratitude, yet provide a lasting legacy of the tremendous impact Isky has created for car culture as a whole.”

Iskenderian founded Isky Racing Cams in 1947 after being among the first group of dry-lake racers in the late 1930s. 16 years after founding his speed and performance parts company, Iskenderian became a founding member of a little group of folks called the “Speed Equipment Manufacturers Association”, which later became known as the Specialty Equipment Market Association, or SEMA for short.

Seventy-four years — literally, a lifetime — after starting his company, Ed Iskenderian is still involved in the operation of his business, which has grown into a powerhouse in the industry, and continues to innovate in the speed and performance aftermarket.

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About the author

Greg Acosta

Greg has spent twenty years and counting in automotive publishing, with most of his work having a very technical focus. Always interested in how things work, he enjoys sharing his passion for automotive technology with the reader.
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