Elderly Man Taken for Ride of His Life By Bank-Robbing Car Buyer

It may seem like a plot out of a Hollywood film, but what one man from Manteca, California, experienced while trying to sell his 1987 Chrysler Fifth Avenue was anything but a thrill ride. That’s because the man unknowingly became the potential buyer’s getaway driver after she allegedly robbed a nearby bank – after telling the man she needed to stop in and get cash to pay him. As we found out from Yahoo! News, this was certainly one test drive the man will not soon forget. Check out why in the video above.

The 83-year-old gentleman, who did not want to be identified, agreed to sell his Chrysler for just $2,200 – not bad for what seems to be a fairly well kept vehicle with just 64,000 miles on it. But when the man agreed to go on a test drive with the person interested in buying the car, identified as Gail Castle, the man got a lot more than he was bargaining for.

Not wanting to just hand over the keys to his vehicle, the man tagged along on the test drive, which lasted only minutes.

Just blocks away, Castle requested that they stop at a local Bank of America for her to withdraw the funds to purchase the car. While Castle went into the bank, the man waited in the car and after only about 10 minutes the two were on their way back to the gentleman’s residence.

It was then that things went awry. While driving back to the residence, the gentleman heard sirens, only to be stopped seconds later by area police. What he didn’t know is that Castle had gone into the crowded bank and allegedly robbed it, using the Fifth Avenue’s owner as the getaway driver in her crime.

This image of Gail Castle being arrested after allegedly robbing a bank on a test drive originally came from the Manteca Bulletin, which broke the story.

Police stopped them and ordered the man to exit the car with his hands up, and although Castle threatened that she would shoot him if he obeyed police orders, the man took his chances and followed police commands. It was only after he exited the car that police learned he had no involvement in the crime. No gun was recovered from Castle at the scene.

While Castle certainly didn’t walk away with a new car, she did walk away with shiny new bracelets slapped to her wrists. There is no word on if the car is still for sale or if the Manteca man has given second thought to selling the Chrysler since he got unknowingly roped into the robbery. This just gives us one more thing to worry about when selling a car.

About the author

Lindsey Fisher

Lindsey is a freelance writer and lover of anything with a rumble. Hot rods, muscle cars, motorcycles - she's owned and driven it all. When she's not busy writing about them, she's out in her garage wrenching away. Who doesn't love a tech-savy gal that knows her way around a garage?
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