SEMA 2018: EPARTRADE Offers Pro Account Premium Package

SEMA 2018: EPARTRADE Offers Pro Account Premium Package

At the 2018 SEMA Show, EPARTRADE announced its latest offering, the Pro Account Premium Package. While all racing industry suppliers have access to the EPARTRADE platform with a free profile, companies that upgrade to a Pro Account gain multiple benefits, including having its logo and company name at the top of product search results.

According to Francisque Savienien, founder and CEO of EPARTRADE, the Pro Account premium package is ideal for manufacturers with diverse product lines.

With a Pro Account, users can add a company profile and logo, and new products rise to the top of the Product search. Additionally, users can upload product photos, descriptions, videos, and other technical information.

Lastly, the Pro Account allows users to have full access to the industry directory, and the ability to connect with buyers around the world. Price per-month starts as low as $99.

For more information, see EPARTRADE.

About the author

Nicole Ellan James

As an automotive journalist and avid car enthusiast, Nicole Ellan James has a passion for automotive that is reflected in every aspect of her lifestyle. Follow Nicole on Instagram and Facebook - @nicoleeellan
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