Los Boulevardos Car Club is synonymous with several things, the things that they’re best known for are bitchin’ cars, good people, and great times. Their annual get together Cruise to the Lake provides all of the above in spades (pun intended). The show started as a humble, rained-out show in Castaic and has moved several times over the years, with each successive event getting bigger and better. It looks as if the Boulevardos have finally found a true home for CTTL at the Whittier Narrows in the San Gabriel Valley. The locale not only provides ample parking and a cozy, lakeside park setting, it’s a prime spot to arrive at after an epic cruise. Early morning rendezvous. Photos courtesy of Brooke Guerrero.
The Boulevardos and friends met up on the iconic 6th Street Bridge in Downtown Los Angeles bright and early Saturday morning. Once everybody had arrived (nearly 150 cars!), it was time to hit the streets, making their way from the Bridge to one of the country’s most historic cruising spots, the legendary Whittier Boulevard. The sheer amount of customs, lowriders, and bombs that had descended upon the Boulevard slowed traffic down to a crawl, which is the point of cruising after all. What good is having a righteous ride if you’re going too fast for people to see you? Hittin' historic Whittier Boulevard for some quality cruisin'.
After bombing their way down the boulevard, Los Boulevardos and friends made their way to Whittier Narrows Park where the good times continued, despite the rolling art gallery becoming stationary. BBQs were fired up, music started playing, and the show was in full swing. All throughout the day, all manner of vehicles came through; customs, lowriders, bombs, hot rods, rat rods, vans, sport trucks, muscle cars, choppers, bobbers, baggers, the list goes on and on. The LBCC knows how to throw a party and the word gets around, making for a truly eclectic mix of vehicles and people. There was a little somethin' for everybody in attendance.
The festivities went on throughout the day, finally winding down after a full day of cars, cruising, friends, food and a trunk load of good times. With all of the fine rides in attendance and the sheer amount of dopeness in the air, it’s difficult to pick just one car as a personal favorite, especially when you have a group of people trying to come to a consensus about such a thing. In the end, the Boulevardos decided unanimously to give their Club Pic award to Dustin Madrid from the Rumblers Car Club for his righteous ’66 Buick Riviera, which was painted by Dustin and a few of his brothers from the Rumblers. Â The Club Pic award was painted by the Boulevardos own Edog.
Dustin Madrid (holding the trophy) from the Rumblers CC took home the Boulevardos Club Pic Award for his righteous Riviera, which he painted with some help from his club brothers.
Cruise to the Lake continues to grow in size as well as reputation, lots of cars and lots of fun make for a solid way to spend an afternoon in Southern California. Exact date and location vary from year to year, but rest assured that when the next CTTL is announced, you’ll read about it right here on Rod Authority! Los Boulevados would like to thank everyone for their support and participation.