Video: Flake And Flames U.S. Film Premier, Long Beach Art Theatre

1383475_605234782848809_1745956431_nThe documentary Flake & Flames was the result of a year long adventure spanning from California to key places in Europe. During this international trek Dirk Behlau and Jesper Bram documented the lifestyle and sub-cultures that comprise Kustom Kulture. From musicians, pinup models, fabricators, and artists ranging from tattooers to pinstripers Flake & Flames is an inclusive look at all avenues that lead to the heart of what defines such a collective culture.jesperdirk

Photos Courtesy Of Flake & Flames

1235086_605985916107029_812769639_nDirk Behlau aka “The Pixeleye” is a designer, filmmaker, and photographer from Cologne, Germany. Jesper Bram is a renowned pinstriper and artist with backgrounds in advertising and graphic design. You can check out more info on the two of these guys here. Both shared directing duties throughout the 80 minute film. Aside from the U.S. they hit locations in Europe such as England, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Germany, and France. The film was released back in April 2013 but an official debut premier hadn’t been organized until now!

On October 26th Deadbeat Magazine will be presenting the Flake & Flames U.S. movie premier at the Long Beach Art Theatre in Long Beach, California’s historic art district. You’ll probably remember Rod Authority’s last trip to the historic cinema during the premier of Brian Darwas’s This Is Long Beach documentary.4

The debut is set for 9:00 p.m., for detailed updates, information, and ticket purchases check out the event’s Facebook page. The Dynotones are scheduled to perform before the film. Afterwards there will be a meet and great of both the directors and artists featured in the film. Pike Bar & Grill which is literally 20 paces up the street will be hosting the premier after party. If you’re in the area check out the screening as it’s sure to be an amazing night full of entertainment, Kustom Kulture talk, and merriment.6084546843_0de14f7c78_z

About the author

Andrew Almazan

Andrew Almazan is a graduate of CSULB with a degree in English and a passion for traditional kustoms and hot rods. His first exposure to out of this world vehicles was through the prevalent low rider, baja bug, and kustom culture of LA county.
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