The 13th Annual Lonestar Round Up in Austin, Texas is a wrap and by all accounts, this year’s event was one helluva shindig. The Kontinentals Car Club have pulled off another great show with several hundred vehicles and many thousands of people in attendance. The Round Up gets bigger and better every year, showing no signs of slowing down!
Cars and spectators started cruising into town several days before the show to take in the awesomeness that is Austin. Great food, live music, historical landmarks, and more make for a terrific setting to an already impressive show, so it should come as no surprise that the City is an ideal locale for the LSR. All week long, hot rods and customs could be seen cruising around the Great State of Texas’ capitol.
By the time the show started on Friday, the traditional vibe in the city had reached a fever pitch and the turnout was as impressive as ever with participants and spectators alike coming from all over the country and all over the world to take part in what has become one of the preeminent outdoor traditional Rod and Custom shows in the U.S. If you’ve never been, Rod Authority highly recommends that you do, sooner rather than later!